Grain quality control management device
TD-6 Portable moisture tester for paddy and wheat
Paddy, Brown rice, Polished rice, Barley, Wheat, Rye.
VS-6 Portable moisture tester for vegetable seed
Rapeseed, Chilli, Tomato, Eggplant, Cucumber, Radish.
CS-R Computerized moisture meter
1. Computerized moisture meter controls grain moisture precisely.
2. Online monitoring moisture content of drying grain.
3. Prevent from over-dry, keep good rice quality, no weight loss and no waste of oil, electricity, and time.
Single kernel moisture meter
Application: paddy, rice, polished rice, barley, wheat
1. Accuracy.
2. Printing function installed.
3. Simple operation.
4. Average calculation.
5. Display moisture distribution.
6. Measure kernels one by one.
7. Moisture management.
Portable Japonica Rice Quality Meter
Application (Japonica rice only):Mature Rice, Immature Rice, Damaged Rice, Dead Rice, Fissured Rice, Broken Rice.
1. Easy operation.
2. Light, compact design.
3. High accuracy.
Portable Taste Analytic Meter
Application:Moisture, Protein, Long-chain Starch, Fat Acid, Taste Summarized Evaluation
1. Simple operation.
2. Light, compact design.
3. PC communication available.
4. Standard of contest.
5. Product management.
6. Record management.